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Before shutting off the fuel supply to stop a medium or high-speed diesel engine, why is it necessary to allow the engine to idle for a few minutes()

A.To prevent internal damage from local overheating

B.To ensure the fuel nozzles are flushed clean

C.To clear the smoke stack

D.To let the waste heat boiler reduce it’s rate of steam generation


A、To prevent internal damage from local overheating

更多“Before shutting off the fuel supply to stop a medium or high-speed diesel engine, why is it necessar…”相关的问题


Which italicized part in the following sentences indicates REASON?[A] Stepping of

Which italicized part in the following sentences indicates REASON?

[A] Stepping off the pavement, he was knocked down by the bus.

[B] He went out shutting the door behind him.

[C] Being sick, I stayed at home.

[D] She hurried into office, carrying documents in hand.



The firemen fought for three hours before they managed to()the fire.


B.break off

C.put off

D.break out



The servants () the silver tableware before the guests arrived.

A.polished up

B.polished off

C.pointed out

D.polished with



Megan and John realized that their house was too messy for a new baby, so they decided to their house before the baby was born.

A.throw away

B.strip off

C.straighten up

D.keep back



() the gab is turned off and the door is locked before you leave home.
() the gab is turned off and the door is locked before you leave home.

A、It’s sure that

B、Make sure that

C、Certain that

D、I certain that



He would no more dare speak ()a large audience than dare jump off the top of that build
He would no more dare speak ()a large audience than dare jump off the top of that build



B、out of





() you stepped into the lab with your shoes on? You’re supposed to take them off before you enter it. I told you so!

A.How come

B.How dare

C.How about

D.How long8



In the event of a flame failure in an auxiliary water-tube boiler, you must __()

A.relight the boiler immediately to prevent loss of steam pressure

B.relight the fire off the brickwork as long as the bricks are cherry red

C.purge the furnace of any combustible gases before attempting to relight the fire

D.speed up the feed pump to prevent dry firing when the burner flame is reestablished



Concrete Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed


Another thing to remember in connection with concrete is that you are not allowed very much leeway for errors in either measurements or location. Once you have a solid mass of concrete set in place, it is going to stay there. You have a difficult job ahead of you if you try to remedy a mistake. Make very sure, before you fill the form, that everything is where and how you want it.

There are numerous rules regarding the proper mixing handing, and finishing of concrete, but the essential one concerns the amount of water to use. The less water in the mix, the less the finished job will shrink. The less water used, the harder and more enduring the job after it has set.

The amateur concrete worker is plagued with two desires. One is to use enough Water to have the concrete nice and soft and easy to push around. You have been warned against that. The second is to take off the wooden forms too early, to see what the job looks like. That is really fatal. If the forms are stripped off too soon, while the concrete is still green, two things are likely to happen—you are almost sure to break off corners or edges, and you are likely to cause a major crack or defect in the body of the work. An excellent rule is to wait until you are sure the concrete is properly' hardened, and then wait another day before removing the forms.

The best title for this selection would be:________.

A.Concrete and Its Uses

B.Rules for Working with Concrete

C.Concrete, the Homeowner's Joy

D.Concrete, a Test of Character



听力原文:In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things

听力原文: In public speaking, the watch word is preparation. Most of us tend to put things off, at least occasionally. It's so easy to put things off especially those things we do not look forward to doing. So if the speaking engagement is several weeks off, we may feel that we still have plenty of time. But as the day draws closer, we begin to panic. Don't let this happen to you. Start preparing as soon as you're given or accept the speaking assignment. You have much to do and to do it right will take time. How much better your speech will be and how much better you'll feel if you have taken the time to do it right! When you are prepared, you have gathered the needed data, determined what is appropriate to the listener's understanding and acceptance levels, organized the ideas so they flow logically, selected examples and other supports for your ideas and made them interesting to your listeners, developed a great opening that you know will capture the attention of even the daydreamers in your audience checked out the room where you'll be speaking and requested any feasible changes you wish in the set-up of the room If you are prepared, you are confident that you can best convey your message to your listeners. If you waited until a few days before your presentation to begin to prepare, or worse, yet, the day before, no doubt you'll be anxious and with good reason. And now there is not enough time to engage in more than a superficial attempt. Both you and the audience will feel uncomfortable, like retirement planning. It is never too early to start preparing for your presentation. So, start preparing right away.





D.Select appropriate materials.



Welcome to the historic and beautiful City of Lincoln. Thank you for calling the Linco
ln Tourist Information Office. I抦 afraid the office is closed at the moment. Our normal working hours from Monday to Saturday are from 9 o抍lock in the morning to 6 o抍lock in the evening. On Sunday we open at the later time of 10.30 and close at the earlier time of 3.30. From our office you can get information about hotels, restaurants and cinemas in the city. Why not take a bus tour? There are bus tours of the city every day which start at 11 o抍lock. They start from Castle Square. Tours take about 2 hours and go around the historic city centre and along a part of the river. The cost of a ticket is 3 pounds. Tickets can be bought from the bus driver. You can get off the bus at five places of interest and continue your journey later.

(1). The office hour is from 10.30 to 3 on Sunday.

A、 Right


(2). You can find information about where to eat from the office.

A、 Right


(3). The bus tour starts at 2 o’clock every day.

A、 Right


(4). You are not allowed to get off the bus before the tour ends.

A、 Right


(5). This is a telephone message.

A、 Right


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